Monday, March 8, 2010

DID and Me

Dissociative Identity Disorder occurs when a traumatic event is too great to understand and endure. A split happens. Disassociation allows the mind to separate memories from normal consciousness. These memories are not erased, they are retained by a Part and may resurface at a later time. The Part's job is to protect the System from the memory, and in Suzie's case to punish her for letting the event occur.

Suzie started to see a therapist several years ago for anxiety due to constant voices and chatter she was experiencing. One night she told me she was diagnosed with DID and shortly after I met Suzie Q. Q is a precocious 4 to 6 year old. When Q presented, Suzie's face would become animated, and her voice changed to that of a young child. At first Q was tentative and shy, over the years she has become if possible more animated and precocious! Q is a helper for the System, providing a virtual who's who and helping bring parts in from the Dark. She is brave and wise beyond her years. Q gives Suzie a sense of child like wonder and wit.

The goal of therapy is to bring the Parts in from the Dark, to relate their memory and move into a safe place. Ultimately the goal is to unite all the Parts together, each Part has an important characteristic Susie needs to make her whole. Suzie's safe place is called the Dome and Q was the first to move in. The Dome has everything to entertain young children. Q has a magic drawing room, where anything she draws becomes real. She created a roller coaster, a swimming pool, horses, hot air balloons and an Unicorn. The activity Q loves the best is flying. She just closes her eyes and flies. I asked if she has ever hit anything and she said, no, not yet, but the birdies say WOW, watch out for that flying Suzie Q!

A conversation with Parts has become an everyday event of my life. We communicate to help Suzie or they tell me how wrong I am about something I have said or done. I am a threat to Parts in the Dark, they watch me closely to make sure I do not hurt Suzie, they also expect me to leave. In order to protect Suzie, they try to push me away. The kid Parts have the same logic as their memory/split age and they never mature. It is always important to learn the age of the Part to know how to interact. Everyday is a new day...

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